Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Othello Essay Example for Free

Othello Essay There is no doubt that whatever Shakespeare wrote found its way to the top as a literary piece of genius. His command over language and ability to portray emotions and thoughts through mere words has made him immortal in English literature. Shakespeare uses a variety of aides to make his play the flawless specimen it is. The most striking symbol in Othello is Desdemonas handkerchief that circulates throughout the play. Because Othello gave it to Desdemona as a first gift, the handkerchief functions as a token of his love, which Desdemona cherishes (3. 3. 1). Iago convinces his wife to steal it from Desdemona because he knows that it has a lot of sentimental value and that Othello will be angry when he finds out his wife no longer has it. Iago also knows that, for Othello, the handkerchief symbolizes Desdemonas fidelity. When it shows up in Cassios possession, Othello is convinced of Desdemonas infidelity. The white napkin, as we know, is spotted with red strawberries and Othello tells Desdemona that the strawberries were hand stitched with thread that has been dyed with blood from maidens hearts or, virgins blood (3. . 10). [1] In this way, the handkerchief resembles a white wedding sheet thats also been stained with a virgins blood. So, in Othellos mind, Desdemonas handkerchief represents her chastity and the moment she loses it, she looses her chastity. The handkerchief also seems to function as a symbol of Othellos mysterious past and his exoticness. He tells Desdemona that an Egyptian charmer gave it to his mother and that it would keep his father faithful and under her spell (3. . 9). That such a small object has such enormous weight in the play testifies to the sensitivity of jealous minds, and the way that small incidents can be magnified psychologically into proofs of love or betrayal. Animalistic imagery also presents the impression of animal behaviour coming out of the seemingly civilized humans. Animalistic references are made often by Iago reflecting his beastly thirst for vengeance and blood. He uses animalistic references while referring to desdemona and Cassios supposed affair,burning the image in Othellos head so much so that by the end of the play Othello himself drops the beautiful speech which was adorned by references to gardens and exotic creatures and instead begins using these crude references without appearing to notice the change within himself. A literary device called Peripeteia is found in Othello. Peripeteia is a reversal of circumstances, or turning point. The term is primarily used with reference to works of literature. The English form of peripeteia is peripety. Peripety is a sudden reversal dependent on intellect and logic. In modern Greek means adventure. In William Shakespeares tragedy Othello, the peripety occurs in the mere middle of the play, act III, scene 3. Othello is slowly deceived by Iagos rhetoric, persuasiveness and imagery, yet in this scene the transition occurs. Iago says Indeed with emphasis, whereafter Othello replies: Indeed? Ay, indeed. Discernst thou aught in that? Is he not honest? . Iago keeps using rhetorical emphasis to corrupt Othello: Honest, my lord? ] Think, my lord? . Othello who is of weak character and easily persuaded replies: Think, my lord! By heaven, he echoes me, / As if there was some monster in his thought / Too hideous to be shown. The corruption continues until the peripety. There are two stanzas indicating this change. Othello has just got married to the beautiful Desdemona, whom he seemed unlikely to marry because he is a Moor (of North African descent), nevertheless he has been very lucky. Yet the peripety arrives and Othello exclaims: Why did I marry?  This honest creature [Iago] doubtless / Sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds. [III, 3, 243-4]. Othello concludes that: This fellows of exceeding honesty / And knows all qualities with a learned spirit / Of human dealings [III, 3, 260]. The peripety has happened and Othello degrades mentally and the transition can be observed in his usage of language. Othello is very eloquent and uses subtle imagery (Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them [I, 2, 59]. After the peripety his language degrades to the usage of diabolical and physical imagery. Following the confirmation of his absolute belief in what Iago has told him he remarks: I had rather be a toad / And live upon the vapour of a dungeon [III, 3, 272]. Paul Yachnin (1996) and Andrew Sofer (1997) concentrate on the symbolic and thematic resonance of another device used Shakespeare to further his play,specifically Desdemonas handkerchief in Othello. Stolen by Iago and later produced as proof of her infidelity, the handkerchief is a fetishized commodity in Yachnins reading, capable of eliciting wonder and ultimately violence. For Sofer, the handkerchief embodies a broad spectrum of thematic functions in the play, designating an interlocking chain of signification that includes witchcraft, sexuality, jealousy, revenge, murder, inconstancy, and falsified evidence. A prop as metaphor, the handkerchief ties together the dramas leading motifs as well as drawing attention to its own theatricality, Sofer concludes[2]. Linguistic signification is the subject of Lucille P. Fultzs (1997) essay, which considers Iagos skillful manipulation of language to orchestrate the deaths of Othello and Desdemona. For Fultz, verbal seduction—a desire for power achieved through language—is a basic thematic component of the drama, one embodied by Iago in each of his relationships with fellow characters. Othello is considered to be a prime example of Aristotelian drama; it focuses upon a very small cast of characters, one of the smallest used in Shakespeare, has few distractions from the main plot arc, and concentrates on just a few themes, like jealousy. As such, it is one of the most intense and focused plays Shakespeare wrote, and has also enjoyed a great amount of popularity from the Jacobean period to the present day. Othello takes place in Venice (in northern Italy) and Cyprus (an island in the eastern Mediterranean about forty miles south of present-day Turkey). The time is between 1489 and 1571. It is interesting to note that Venice is the setting for both major Shakespeare plays dealing in part with racial prejudice, Othello and The Merchant of Venice. As one of the world’s leading sea powers, Venice was the center of commercialism and materialism and, therefore, corruption and conflict arising from avarice, social status, and fierce competition. Cyprus–as a strategically located island which yielded substantial harvests of olives, grapes and various grains–was much prized throughout its history. Assyrians, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and Byzantines all fought over and occupied it. England’s King Richard I, the Lion-Hearted, conquered Cyprus in 1191 but later ceded it to the French. Venice seized the island in 1489 and in 1571 the Ottoman Turks brought Cyprus under its control. From the eleventh to the fifteenth century, Catholics battled to re-conquer Spain from the Islamic Arabs and Berbers, or Moors, who had successfully occupied it since the 900s. The struggle inspired intense prejudice and suspicion that lasted well after the Moors were overthrown. Philip III of Spain expelled 300,000 â€Å"Moriscos† from the Iberian (Spanish) peninsula not long after Shakespeare finished Othello, in 1609. In England during Shakespeare’s time, views regarding â€Å"Moors† were slightly more comple x because of strong anti-Catholic sentiment in England and English fears of invasion by the Spanish. In fact, England maintained independent trade relationships with â€Å"Moorish† Northern Africa, despite Spanish and Portuguese protest. The English slave trade also brought blacks to Europe, from mid-sixteenth century onward. Queen Elizabeth herself founded The Barbary Company, formally institutionalizing this trade; in addition, she received a delegation of Moroccan diplomats in 1600. However, the English still felt a strong suspicion of Islam: Elizabeth issued a degree expelling Moors from Africa and Spanish â€Å"Moriscos† from the boundary of England in 1599 and 1601.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Actual Benefits of Information Technology Outsourcing Essay -- companie

1) Critically evaluate the competitive advantage that can be gained by companies through IS/IT outsourcing. Provide suitable example to support your answer. Introduction Outsourcing is an arrangement in which one company provides services for another company that could also be or usually have been provided internal. As we know, outsourcing is a development that is becoming further common in information technology or information system and other industries for services that have usually been regarded as basic to managing a business. In some cases, the whole information management of a company is outsourced, including planning and business analysis as well as the installation, management, and servicing of the network and workstations. For the example, University Kolej Poly-Tech Mara provided Campus Management System (CMS) for student and they bought this CMS from outsourcing from Indonesia. By outsourcing the logistical activities the company can achieve great remunerations. Outsourced environment has been exposed to regularly bring gains in productivity to companies, specifically through scale, technology and expertise. Besides, outsourcing can also h elp companies reduce costs associated with labour and real estate. Taking advantage of an outsourcing vendor’s global, centre-based dispersed delivery brings advance economies of scale and process proficiency. Competitive advantage is very important thing especially in term of business marketing because when your business starts growing, the companies should start to think of the potential benefits of going beyond the basics, as larger companies do, and look for ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. (Dr Donald J McCubbrey, Oct 6, 2010). To achieve a competitiv... ...ks Cited WNS Global Service, Gaining competitive advantage through analytics outsourcing, 14 October 2009. Available at,, Retrieved at November 2013. Journal of Accountancy, The Pros and Cons of IT Outsourcing, June 1998. Available at Retrieved at November 2013. Journal of IT Management, Volume IV, Number 2, Outsourcing the IS Function, The impact on competitive advantage, 1993. Available at, Retrieved at November 2013. B. A. Aubert, M. Patry, S. Rivard, â€Å"Assessing IT Outsourcing Risk†, Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 1998, Available at Retrieved at Disember 2013.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Aims and Values in School. 2.5

Aims and Values of Schools: Aims: * To attempt to reach a certain goal that gives people a purpose or intension to achieve a desired outcome. * It gives people/organisastions something to follow and work towards to achieve the best outcome. * To attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; to endeavor and aim to do well. Values: In order to achieve goals and aims, one strives and endeavours to attain certain actions, however such actions will not be undertaken at the expense of core values. Values offer principles and standards of behaviour that people and organisations follow. Values have a major influence on a person’s behaviour and attitude and serve as guidelines in all situations. * They are ideals and beliefs shared by members of a culture about what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable. * Values offer a moral code to follow. How schools demonstrate and uphold their aims and values: Aims in schools are set out to follow guidelines and attain what the scho ols desire to achieve. The schools strive to exceed their personal objectives.The aims and objectives of the schools are set by the Head Teacher, working closely together with, parents, staff, the community and sometimes the children of the schools. Although schools mostly share the same aims and objectives, they may differ slightly as schools set out there own goals. It is important for schools to communicate with others their aims and objectives as much as possible, as this gives parents and others the opportunity to gain an impression of the schools in question. This can be done through school prospectuses, school website, and open evenings/days.The schools can also demonstrate their aims by developing links with local communities where they work to develop the aims to improve pupil’s education and environment. Looking at one school in particular, we can see how they communicate and set their aims, and whether they do this successfully. Aims 1: To maximise every child†™s potential both educationally and socially: The schools aim is to teach in a way that interests and motivates pupils and to ensure that all pupils achieve outstanding academic results relative to their ability.The school regally tests the children’s level of abilities and offers extra tuition when needed. This offers extra support on a ‘one to one’ tuition bases. The school also offers the following to maximize every child’s potential: * In year 6 all children will have in their own individual tutor. The tutor meets the child on a regular weekly basis and discusses pastoral concerns as well as academic progress. Parents are welcome, therefore, to liaise with the tutor, who will have a good knowledge and understanding of their child’s progress. At the end of each term, parents are sent full reports, including subject comments, as well as social involvement in the school. * Parents are also sent ‘marked reading slips,’ during the term , which indicate attainment and effort grades, together with comments from the tutor. * Tests are done internally through the school during various times through the school year. This allows for the teachers to monitor the pupil’s academic abilities. The school states that one of the features of the school ethos is that no two days are the same.They offer a wide range of sports and lessons to improve the child’s overall experience. They keep the children busy and offer a fun environment for learning. Sporting success is certainly a major part of life at the school in question, but they also realize that sport is about giving an opportunity for the majority of the school to work in a team, and to give them a sense of pride in their own performance. Games sessions at the school take place for all pupils every day of the week, except Thursdays, including matches on Wednesdays and Saturdays.They believe in ‘putting out' as many teams as possible on match afternoons t o include boys of all abilities. The school offers the following sports: cricket, athletics, squash, swimming, cross-country, hockey, polo, shooting, rugby, table tennis, and chess, tennis, football, athletics, golf, polo and croquet. Aim 2: To ensure that every child is treated equally regardless of race, gender, social background and special needs: Promoting equal opportunities is fundamental to the aims and ethos of the school. They welcome applications from candidates of all cultures and backgrounds.The school believes that this enriches the community and is vital in preparing the pupils for today’s world. They concentrate strongly on educating the individual, providing a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere where each individual feels valued. The school is committed to equal treatment for all, regardless of an individual’s race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, learning difficulty, body image or social background. We believe that the educationa l experience can only be enriched if children are exposed to as wide a range of cultural experiences as possible whilst they are developing.Scholarships and bursaries may be offered in order to make it possible for as many as possible who meet the school’s admission criteria to attend the school. The Headmaster, senior management team and staff play an active role in monitoring the schools policies on equal opportunities. Within their classes, assemblies, and sports they promote the following: * Interact with all children, and encourage them to work as a team. * Tolerance of each other and respect for each other’s position within the school community. * Positive images and role models to avoid prejudice and raise awareness of related issues. Foster an open-minded approach and encourage pupils to recognise the contributions made by different cultures. Bias should be recognised. * Understand why and how we will deal with offensive language and behavior. * Understand why we will deal with any incidents promptly and in a sensitive manner. * The school also offers extra English for children who are struggling with the language. A successful equal opportunities policy requires strong and positive support from parent and guardians, and full acceptance of the school’s ethos of tolerance and respect.Aim 3: To work in partnership with parent to encourage positive attitudes towards learning: A child’s home life has such a powerful effect on children’s learning especially in early years. It is important for parents to get involved and pay a keen interest in the progress of their child in school. The child not only receives skills, knowledge and intellectual stimulation but they also absorb a positive attitude towards learning and encouragement outside of school. At home parents can provide more one-to-one attention.At the school being discussed, they offer the following to encourage families to take an interest in their child’s pr ogression: * Formal meetings for parents to discuss their child’s progress with individual subject teachers are held twice a year. The school also offers parents the chance to attend informal meetings any time of the year to discuss their concerns with their child progress. * Follow a homework policy: as the school along with the Department for Education believes that, ‘Well organised homework can play a vital role in raising standards of achievement. * The school believes that homework provides the following to the child’s success: It raises children’s achievement. It consolidates and extends the work they have done in school. It helps to inform parents about their child’s schoolwork and allows parents the opportunity to support their work. It is a valuable life skill and develops good work habits for secondary school and future employment. Aim 4: To ensure a safe and secure school community: Child Protection is always a top priority at the school in question.They recognise that it is its objective and duty to safeguard from harm, and actively promote the welfare of each individual child. * Their focus is of positive welfare outcomes for the schools children and upon reducing any risks to the children while they are at school. * Their primary aim is to ensure that they create an atmosphere in the school where all children feel secure and valued. All welfare provision is directed towards this goal, whether the provision is a matter of people, premises, policies or practices. Their policies and practices follow the National Minimum Boarding Standards and are informed by the Berkshire Local Safeguarding Children Boards Child Protection Procedures. * The school states that there is no place for abuse of any kind in their community and they will do all in their power to prevent any incidents of physical, emotional or sexual abuse at the school. The school itself recognises that all staff have a full and active part to play in prot ecting the pupils from harm, and that the child’s welfare is of paramount concern.Staff at the school are reminded that the following things must be avoided at all times: * Corporal punishment, having favorites, humiliation and punishment outside of the schools disciplinary system. * Inviting individual boys into a staff room. Staff must respect privacy and private space, particularly in lavatories, changing rooms and showers. They are reminded to supervise and not watch. The school clearly states that all staff receive the relevant training in child protection and interagency working which must be updated every two years. All staff are issued with credit card sized key points for child protection. All staff who are appointed to a position in the school are subject to recruitment checks in line with DCSF Standard 4 and governors to DCSF Standard 4B, as well as in line with National Minimum Boarding Standard 14. * Risk assessments are done throughout the school to ensure that all environments are safe. * The school itself is a gated school and has CCTV cameras which provides the school with valuable information. The school’s child protection policy and procedures will be reviewed once a year by the Governing Body, including a review of the efficiency with which the related duties have been discharged.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Probation Prison and Community Corrections Movement

There are three theories or models of criminal justice. The first is the retributive theory, the second is the rehabilitative theory, and the last is the restorative theory. The first basically concerns itself with the punishment of people by putting them in boot camps/prisons or away from people, in order to deter their ways. Such acts instill discipline and fear, which in turn reduces crime. The second one believes that working with these people change their ways reduce crime (The U .S. Penal System: Restorative and /or Retributive Justice).The third restorative theory aims to reintroduce and re-incorporate the persons back into the community after retribution or rehabilitation. The retributive theory is optimistic and believes that†¦show more content†¦In the late 1960s, a second phase of the community corrections movement stimulated an explosion of diversion programs that were promoted as alternatives to the criminal justice system altogether (Kornell, 2013). Community corrections offer viable alternatives to incarceration for offenders at various stages of the criminal justice process. The alternatives which may be available to offenders include are bail supervision programs, alternative measures programs, restitution programs, fine options programs, community service order, probation, intensive supervision probation, conditional sentence of imprisonment, attendance center programs, electronic monitoring, community-based centers, temporary absence programs and parole. Its process provides for early conditional release from prison for convicted felons, after part of their prison sentence has been served, and they are found to be eligible for parole based on factors such as: conduct while incarcerated, rehabilitative efforts/progress, type of offense, and remorse for their crime. Its use has been expanded to many states, and today has become the primary way by which offenders are released from prisons and correctional institutions. Parole is a supervised release of a prisoner before they have completed their entire sentence. When on parole the parolee has to comply with the rules set forward for them or they will end up going back to jail for violating their parole. Some ofShow MoreRelatedRehabilitation Paper1187 Words   |  5 PagesParole and probation are what gives inmates in today’s prison system the drive to want to better them. This paper will break down rehabilitation in prison and the origin of where it came from. Also we will discuss how parole differs from mandatory release and how probation differs from other forms of sentencing. We will also discuss community corrections and what it means and furthermore, we will critique the current rehabilitation options and if there are better options or solutions that may beRead MoreThe Incarceration Of The Correctional System1193 Words   |  5 Pagesother than having the offender complete his or her whole sentence in jail or be sent to jail or prison all together. 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